There are many different ways to access counselling and support. We offer access to psychological therapies through Outlook Southwest Please do look at their website for more information on the services they can offer.
If you feel that you are in crisis and need URGENT mental health support, you can call the Crisis team directly on 0800 038 5300 or for more information, click here.
Non-urgent advice: QWELL
You might also like to check out QWELL – for one to one support from a Mental Health Practitioner – free, safe and anonymous. For more information, please click Qwell Poster6 A4 here
Non-urgent advice: Safer Futures
If you are a victim of domestic violence and/or abuse and need support, please contact the Safer Futures Team – 0300 777 4777 – more information can be found here
Drop in Hubs
Young People Cornwall offer a very specific service and they have ‘drop in’ hubs which you may find helpful. Please check out the information:

Specific Support
They are also able to offer specific support to young people attending Truro and Penwith Colleges. More information on this service can be found here: